Massage Therapy

Massage Therapy

Deep Tissue Massage Therapy You Ve Got To Love It!

Submitted by: Jeff Foster

Deep tissue massage is one type of Massage Therapy.

Deep tissue massage is sometimes referred to as sports massage. In this form of massage, pressure is applied to deep down muscles thus, the name deep tissue massage as well as to connective tissue, fascia, tendons and muscles under the skin.

Compared to other types of massage, such as Swedish massage, deep tissue therapy is fairly vigorous. However, contrary to some beliefs, deep tissue massage can be very effective not only for athletes but for many types of people.

Deep tissue massage is a type of massage in which pressure is applied to the deep layers of muscles, tendons, connective tissue and fascia.

Generally, this is performed by a trained therapist using pressure from the fingertips.

Specifically the therapist uses the fingertips to apply deep pressure in a slow stroking technique. The therapist may also use forearm, elbow or other pressure on specific tissues.

The therapist may stroke the tissue following the grain of the muscle, tendon or fascia in a smoothing pattern, or may actually work against the grain of the fibers for specific therapeutic effect.

The purpose of deep tissue massage is to release tension.

Think of the muscle tissue as crumpled bits of fabric or paper. The work of the therapist is to help your body release the tension to smooth the bits of material.

These tissues are usually chronically contracted, very often from a pattern of stress or overuse.

There are many health conditions that deep tissue muscle massage can help you with.

Some potential conditions include:

* Help relieve back pain


* Reduce or eliminate neck pain

* Alleviate or ease tension

* Help relieve headaches

* General pain relief

* Reduce or eliminate trigger points

* Help heal a sports injury

* Help heal soft tissue damage

* Reduce symptoms of tennis elbow

* Reduce discomfort of golfers elbow

Deep tissue massage is very beneficial. For example, deep tissue massage can

* Help relieve pain

* Help relieve tension

* Soothe and relax muscles

* Help promote healing

* Teach and help the body to realign itself

* Help to eliminate scar tissue by breaking it up

* Help remove toxins

* Help increase oxygen flow

* Help improve blood circulation

The deep tissue massage method focuses on specific areas with the therapist using deep and slow massaging strokes.

In this way, the massage sinks below the surface layers and penetrates deeper into the structure of fibers.

The therapist will do this with compression and long slow strokes. The pressure is applied with the therapists :

* Fingertips

* Forearms

* Elbows

* Knuckles

* Thumbs

* Fists

* Hands

The therapist will generally use lotion, oil or cream to help reduce friction in working into the deeper structures of the fibers.

Frequently, aromatic oils or lotions are used to enhance the bodies response to relax and self heal.

While this form of deep massage can be mildly uncomfortable at times, the therapist will warm the soft tissue before going into deeper fibers.

A well-trained therapist will also instruct you in proper breathing so your bodies natural healing response is brought into play.

Stretching and strengthening exercises, along with breathing techniques, can also be part of a successful, holistic therapeutic program of deep tissue massage therapy.

So if you have never tried deep tissue massage then perhaps since learning more you might be willing to give it a try!

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