6 Proven Ways To Fill Your Teleseminars

6 Proven Ways to Fill Your Teleseminars


Alicia Forest

Teleseminars are a great way to make some quick cash, or give one of your current offerings a boost in sales. Of course, in order for that to happen, you need to fill them!

Here are 6 ways to fill your teleseminars, each and every time you hold them, even if it’s on the same topic.

1. Your list

The best place from which to fill your teleseminars is your own email list of potential clients and customers.

And just a tip here: People buy when it’s the right time for them, so just because you’ve offered a teleseminar before doesn’t mean that you can’t offer it again – as your list grows, you’ll have a constant flow of new people to offer it to.

2. Use teleseminar listing services

Use whatever listing services are available to you to promote your teleseminars. This is something you can have your virtual assistant do for you as part of your standard marketing procedures for your teleseminars.


Here are some of the ones that are the most effective at filling classes for teleseminars:

a. teleclass.com An offshoot of Coachville, this listing service is mainly focused on the coaches/consultants/personal development market. It’s $39 to list a single class (with one or two sessions) and you must be a certified teleclass leader to do so.

b. seminarannouncer.com This listing service hosts a mix of both personal and professional offerings. It’s free to list a free class. If you want to list a paid class, they will take a small percentage of the fee.

c. niche announcement services Google for announcement services specific to your niche to find other locations where you can list your teleseminar.

d. solo-e.com Directly targeted at solo professionals, your teleseminar must be of value to that market. As a highly targeted listing service, if you are servicing solo professionals, I highly recommend this service (and please tell Terri Z I sent you :)).

e. planetteleclass.com Based on Coachville’s model at teleclass.com, this listing service is free. You can have a featured listing (which means you can have a longer description of your class, a photo, and some other features added) for a small fee.

f. cculearning.com Conference call University hosts this listing service, which has some heavy-hitters in the online world listing their teleseminars, and it’s free.

3. Joint venture with a person of note

To implement this strategy, you’ll want to find someone who already has a following in your niche and who has a specialty that complements your niche, and offer to interview them.

You’ll do all the work (set up the bridge line and recording, write the interview questions, etc.) and they get free exposure. You’ll want to ask them to promote the teleseminar to their list and networks as well, which will help you fill it.

Once the teleseminar is over, they can do whatever they want with their copy of the recording. For example, they can use it as another lead-generating tool or create a paid product from it.

4. Offer teleseminars through associations, organizations, and agencies for free

Contact those groups that are comprised of your target market and offer to hold a free teleseminar as a valuable benefit for their members. They help you fill it by promoting it as one of their member benefits. This is a great win-win strategy to use.

5. Post to discussion lists within your niche, with permission and on the appropriate day

Seek out those forums made up of your target market, join, listen in to the conversation and add valuable comments when you can. If the forum allows a short signature line for your posts, point people to your teleseminar there. And if the forum invites promotions on a certain day, take advantage of that by advertising your teleseminar.

6. Google Adwords – for fresh traffic

Running a Google Adwords campaign will bring fresh traffic to your teleseminars. Create a single page website where the only choice your visitor has is to sign up for your teleseminar, and point your Google ad to that page. This is a very effective way to fill teleseminars.

Now you have 6 very effective ways to fill your teleseminar. Put them into action for each class you hold, and you’ll increase the number of registrants for sure.

Alicia M Forest, MBA, Multiple Streams Queen & Coach T, founder of


and creator of 21 Easy & Essential Steps to Online Success SystemT, teaches professionals how to attract more clients, create profit-making products and services, make more sales, and ultimately live the life they desire and deserve. For FREE tips on how to create abundance in your business, visit



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