Financial Planning

Financial Planning

Coverage Details Of Rental Car Companies Insurance

By Amy Nutt

Whenever an individual rents a car from a rental car company, they will be asked if they would like to add the company’s rental car insurance to the contract for renting the car. Knowing that, it is always good to acknowledge what are our options. This rental car insurance is designed to protect the individual renting the car and the company renting out the car if anything should happen to the vehicle while it is in the renter’s possession. Many individuals are not always sure of whether the price of the rental car insurance is worth the coverage offered and some believe that their current car insurance coverage or the rental car insurance coverage offered by many credit card companies is adequate to protect the individual from liability if anything happens to the rental car while in their possession. For some individuals, the rental car insurance offered by the rental car company is their most suitable option for coverage.

There are several different types of rental car insurance coverage that are included in the rental car insurance offered by the rental car companies. The first type of coverage is the damage waiver, which may include a collision damage waiver, a loss damage waiver, and a physical damage waiver. Each of these waivers waives the right of the insurance company to collect additional money from the individual who has rented the car in the event that the car is damaged while in their possession. The collision damage waiver protects the renter in the event that the rented car is in an accident with another car. The loss damage waiver protects the individual in the case of the car or parts of the car being stolen while the car is in the renter’s possession. The physical damage wavier protects the individual from liability if the rented car is physically damaged from sources other than a collision, such as skidding off of the road, bad weather conditions and hitting a tree or hit by a blown truck tire.

Another useful type of car insurance coverage offered by the rental car company is personal liability coverage. This type of car insurance coverage protects the individual in the event that they cause damage to another individual, vehicle, or piece of property while operating the vehicle rented from the car insurance company. Personal accident insurance coverage offered by the company will provide a one time payment in the event that you or a passenger in your rental car is injured, maimed, or killed in a car accident involving the rental vehicle. The final type of insurance coverage typically offered by the rental car insurance company is personal property insurance. This will pay to replace any personal property that is lost or stolen from the rental vehicle while it is in the renter’s possession. Each of these types of rental car insurance coverage has very specific limitations, so it always the best to read the conditions very carefully when signing and obtaining insurance from the rental car company.

About the Author: Discount Car & Truck Rentals is the car rental company of choice. We offer car rentals in over 300 locations anywhere in Canada.


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Experimenting With Amateur Filmmaking

By Lorabella

Filmmaking fascinates many people, even those who may not have any knowledge about filmmaking but would like to try their hand in it. Fortunately for such people amateur filmmaking has come of age with the proliferation of digital media. Earlier aspiring filmmakers only had film to work upon which was not affordable to everyone. Film cameras, even the low-end ones were quite expensive. But that’s past now with the rapid progress made by digital photography. In fact there are filmmaking enthusiasts who have been making movies with the cameras provided in their mobile phones! And anyway one cannot underestimate the power of amateur filmmaking as who knows the product you create as a hobby might excite someone powerful in the film industry and you might just turn into a hot-shot celebrity! Take the case of films like El Mariarchi and the recent Paranormal Activity, both can be described as determined efforts by practically amateur filmmakers, completed at ridiculously low budgets, and went on to make Hollywood history. Movies like these have motivated many aspiring filmmakers who had given up on their dreams, to give it another try. And why not? That’s the spirit which produces remarkable results.

The following tips would stand you in good stead whether you are aiming for Hollywood or would like to indulge in amateur filmmaking for personal satisfaction.


Meticulous pre-planning is very important to ensure a quality end-result as well as save on costs. You should clearly define every aspect of your film before you start shooting. This would include the subject of the film, the script, the locations, the cast and the crew. You would also need to plan out your budget and create sufficient buffer for unforeseen expenses. You will find plenty of material on the Internet which would help you shape-up your plan.



Without the basic equipment you would not be able to transform your plan into reality. Some of the essential equipment that you cannot do without are camcorder, tripods, microphone, lamps, computer, filmmaking software and tape or compact discs, whatever your camcorder works with.


The great thing about digital filmmaking is that you can shoot and re-shoot as much as you want because you can erase the bad stuff and reuse the same disc or tape. Make use of this benefit by going to the location beforehand and practicing with different shots. Some prior reading up on filming techniques and camera angles would be helpful. This practice session would help you save time and energy during the actual filming process. You can also prepare storyboards in this step to aid your memory. Don’t worry if you have terrible sketching skills, you just have to create small maps about the way you would like to shoot a scene.


You can now move on with the shooting. Assuming that you are working with the digital medium, don’t be afraid to experiment and retake shots until you are fully satisfied. One thing you should take care is the lighting. Improper lighting can mess up a scene completely. Here again I would advise you to read up on basic lighting techniques to be on sure ground.


In this stage you would need to transfer all the content that you have shot into your computer and then piece it together so that it tells a logical and coherent story. You would of course need to be able to use the editing software else you can take help of a friend who is familiar with it. You can also go for a basic software which is intuitive and easy to use and then you can learn in the process. During editing you can also layout the soundtrack. Filmmaking software generally come preloaded with stock sounds, it they are not satisfactory you can download a variety of sounds from the Internet. With the end of this process you will have completed your film.

Now what? You can either be satisfied with showing your film to family and friends or you can go ahead and distribute it to a global audience. There are many popular video sharing sites where you can upload your film. Many of these sites are actively followed by amateur as well as professional filmmakers. Who knows you might just turn out to be the next great discovery in the world of filmmaking.

About the Author: Read more about




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Good Luck Charm Symbols From Around The World

By Jason Littleton

The good luck charms that we have today may have originated from a certain culture. Almost all the cultures around the globe reveres a certain object and use it as their personal charm. Through all seven continents, the use of charms and amulets is really prevalent. Contrary to our mediocre belief, these charms and amulets may be made from makeshift and crude materials. It doesnt necessarily have to be crafted out of a precious piece of crystal. Bones, shells, clay, mud, seeds and any natural object can be turned in to a precious charm which is believed to contain invincible clouts. The use of these charms also depends on your personal belief and conviction. To date, there are actually 27 listed objects which are good luck charm symbols. It can be an animal, natural objects and numbers. In this article, we will start off with animals and natural objects.

Insects Would you believe that insects can be good luck charm symbols? Well, at this point, you should start to convince yourself that indeed they are. Here is the list of insects which are believed to possess good luck in them.

1. Cricket- These insects are considered a sign of good luck in Asia. This was even made popular in the hit Disney movie, Mulan. Do you remember Cri-kee?


2. Dragonfly- You will usually find loads of these insects fluttering around an open field. I can still even remember when I was still in elementary school and we would usually catch them right after class. Well, seems like you shouldnt be doing the same stuff because dragonflies bring luck. It means bountiful rice harvest. When you can see lots of dragonflies dashing around, be grateful because more rice will be stored in the food basket.

3. Scarabs- These may sound like Arabs but these insects do not really originate from the Arabian continent. Scarabs are from Egypt and considered sacred during the primordial times. These are lucky beetles.

4. Ladybug- When this cute bug lands on you, dont freak out. Instead be thankful because this is a sign of luck. So be merry, luck is surely coming your way.

Natural Objects The things that we see around us actually bear some sort of luck. Let us get to know what these objects are and so we may try to believe in its charm, too.

1. Acorn- This is an oak nut. The acorn and the oak tree are believed to carry good luck charm in them. This belief originated from the Norse mythology and was perceived to bear good fortune. If you also put it on the windowsill, they say it will help avoid lightning from striking your abode.

2. Rainbow- You may think that this sounds clich but the rainbow is another symbol of luck. We have that aphorism that at the end of a rainbow there is a pot of gold. Sure enough, the rainbow is a sign of luck because it bears the number 7 and the beautiful colors which in itself are already carrier of luck.

About the Author: Jason Littleton enjoys writing for Charms to Treasure which sells

charm bracelets


gold charms

as well as a host of related products.


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